organic. BETTER FOR YOU. Better for the environment.

  • Organic farming is better for environmental health

  • Organic farming supports pollinators

  • Organics support a healthier farm LIFESTYLE & community

  • Organics preserve agricultural diversity

show your tattoo some love (green heart) with tattoo care products that are 100% organic
tattoo care products that do not use pesticides, hebicides, gmos or chemicals

If you won’t put it in your body, don’t put it on your skin.

Organic ingredients reduce our exposure to chemicals. The synthetic ingredients found in non-organic products may be fast acting, but they are also invasive, causing harm that cannot be seen. With prolonged use, these chemicals may damage and weaken your skin and as a result, oxygen exchange to the skin is reduced, causing premature aging.

Organic skin care products work better

Plants grown organically contain a higher level of vital antioxidants and vitamin-enriched nutrients than non-organic plants. In a 2017 study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, researchers found that organic onions had about a 20% higher antioxidant content than non-organic onions. Because they are grown without pesticides, herbicides and synthetic fertilizers, their organic ingredients are also free from contaminants, which means they won’t harm your skin and body.

Earth’s soil contains critical microbial life that typically gets destroyed when crops are sprayed with pesticides and such. Without these synthetic chemicals in the soil, organic crops can extract the healthy minerals and nutrients they need from the ground, leading to more a vitamin-rich product.

Organic products are less IRRITATING

Without harsh chemicals, organic skin care products are less likely to cause allergic reactions, inflammations or irritations. If an allergic reaction does occur with the use of organic products, it would most likely be due to a natural food allergy such as nuts.

Tatt Butter creates tattoo care products that are safe for the environment, tattoo after care, Tatt Butter